In response to this analysis by Harvard ethics professor Christopher Robichaud posted on Facebook (see…/from…/983844266891129/).
The problem, as I see it, is that rich people have the money and power to manipulate peoples’ worst instincts while they chip, chip, chip away at people’s income, rights, education, etc., so that we’ll be so miserable, sick, and afraid that we medicate with the drugs that the capitalists push on us, including feel-good social media, games, vacations, entertainment, BAD FOOD, well, you know.
Robichaud’s analysis continues the mystification of the problem, no doubt because he has some vested interest in protecting Big Wealth with his professorship, hmmm, how do you spell, E-N-D-O-W-M-E-N-T-S?
Another example of such complicity is seen in the New York Times headline today, “Trump ‘Gets Us’: How He Won U.S. Hearts” which obviously suggests that he has some kind of magic to get people to love him while completely ignoring the fact that the wealthy class has been plotting such an outcome since at least the 70s, first majorly succeeding with the Supreme Court’s declaration that money is “speech” which opened the floodgates of Big Money, and the Republicans then unleashed the disastrous neoliberalism with Reagan, continued by Clinton and the rest of the presidents — until Biden (who actually was the most progressive president, probably since Roosevelt, which is why he’s probably not to be president anymore, and the Democrats lost) — which shipped jobs over seas, crushed the labor movement, and VASTLY widened the gulf between the haves and the have-nots.
They’ve also developed AND FUNDED an incredible propaganda machine with literally 100s of thousands of rightwing crazies spouting fascist propaganda on radio, Fox entertainment, and now social media. Our side has a few tiny YouTube stations and MSNBC. AND BY THE WAY THEY HAVE NO SCRUPLES. And they’ve poured billions of dollars since Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, first began using psychology to brainwash the masses in the 30s or 40s — and don’t think they haven’t perfected that DARK art.
If people don’t wake up the REAL PROBLEM, which is the INSATIABLE GREED of the psychopathic wealthy class, we all will continue to act out our vilest impulses on each other while the planet dies and we all deteriorate. The ultimate solution has to be psychological, it seems to me, in which every human self-realizes enough to begin to own our unconscious dark sides, a la Jung, so that we’re less likely to be manipulated by the Dark Lords of capital sucked out of us labor-class folk, like the Skeksis do to the Podlings in the Dark Crystal.
Your commentator perpetuates the massively violent problem by misdiagnosing it and making it seem mystifyingly hard to find a solution. The way of self-realization may not ultimately work because interior change doesn’t come easily, but at least it’s something that we all can contribute to.
I should add that for many years, the Democrats have been the party of the people that stands against Big Money, using this republican system as best as they can to do so. It’s always been a terrible fight. The Dems got suckered into the right’s underhanded machinations, especially Bill Clinton and Barak who “triangled” us all in their right of center economics — BECAUSE THEY NEEDED THE MONEY.
Trump is the outgrowth of all those rightwing machinations, was able to manipulate the workers’ grievances THAT WERE THE RESULT OF RIGHTWING POLICIES, and the democrats, I think Kamala, unfortunately, miscalculated and instead of appealing to the working people of the country AS THE TRUE SAVIORS, suckered up to the billionaires. ARGHHHH !!!!!!!!